In a powerful new film, director Katherin Hervey explores a program at San Quentin prison that pairs inmates with 'surrogate victims' as a form of therapy.

Two Decades of Prison Did Not Prepare Me for the Horrors of County Jail

Restorative Justice with Katherin Hervey

Grateful for a Wedding in Prison.

Katherin Hervey's 'The Prison Within' is an unshrinking documentary that chronicles the effect of untreated trauma.

How Filmmaking Taught Me to Advocate for Incarcerated Persons featuring Katherin Hervey.

Prisoners Say New Jersey’s Alternative To Solitary Confinement Is Pretty Much The Same.

'The Prison Within', A documentary exploring restorative justice.

Wildfires are a Dire Threat to Incarcerated People Like Me, by Christopher Blackwell.

Justice or Punishment? Restorative Justice and the Power to Heal by Katherin Hervey.

Prison can be a Hostile Place. Then the Birds Came.

It Took Going To Prison To Recognize My Toxic Masculinity. Here's How I Finally Changed.

Mass Incarceration & Restorative Justice at San Quentin – Katherin Hervey, Writer & Director of “the Prison Within”.